Nex Global Enterprises

Nex Global Enterprises is a Market Leader in the wholesale supply of general & industrial hardware and accessories.

Noise Barrier

NEX Global Enterprises

Jul 21 2023

Noise barrier are structures that are designed to reduce noise pollution in high traffic areas, such as highways, airports, and industrial zones. In Singapore, noise barriers are commonly used in urban areas to mitigate the impact of traffic noise on nearby residents. Noise barriers are typically made from materials such as concrete, steel, and acoustic panels, which can absorb and deflect sound waves. The effectiveness of noise barriers depends on their height, width, and placement. When properly designed and installed, noise barriers can significantly reduce noise levels and improve the quality of life for nearby residents. Call us at +6591093182 for more information.

Nex Global Enterprises is a Market Leader in the wholesale supply of general & industrial hardware and accessories. We had grown over the years and expanded rapidly, with the core values to offer the most diversified and widest range of products at the most affordable and competitive pricing to our customers from all industry sectors of the economy. About NEX Global Enterprises

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